You — undeniably, you.
Created by Lucie 3 years ago
I don’t have all the words right now to say just how much of an impact she had on my life. But I know it was monumental; I wouldn’t be who I am today without her influence.
I couldn’t have wished for a stronger role model to call aunty. A truly beautiful woman, inside and out. A bad ass at “Holla Back girl” at family Christmas karaoke.
I will miss her every single day. But I know I will see her, in everything that we do, the incredible family she raised — for she shaped us in such a way that made “family” mean so much more than it does to many others I’ve met in my life. She always used to say that partners would be bloody lucky to be accepted into our family unit — and she wasn’t wrong (see the wedding photo she “updated” after my divorce, to remove my ex from the picture, whilst keeping our family intact.) This says everything about her very incredible, dry, funny sense of humour.
She loved us with a fierce heart and led the way with a ‘no messing’ attitude. Ambitious, generous, classy — absolutely one of a kind.
“Never forget where you came from” she always used to say. No matter where I’ve moved to in the world over the years, I always knew that if I was feeling like the weight of world was on my shoulders, and couldn’t find it in me to pick myself back up again, I always had “home” to go back to — always had help you get me “back to at least your knees again” . I won’t forget you, Tray — We come from good stock, we were shaped by you. Love you to infinity and beyond x
Christmas walks x